During World War I Private George Dilboy, an American soldier whose Greek parents hailed from Asia Minor was serving in France. His xtraordinary heroism during one intense ground battle cost him his life and earned him the Medal of Honor. Private Dilboy is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Every Memorial Day since 1949, members of Washington Area AHEPA Chapters and Hellenic organizations visit his gravesite along with 550 other gravesites of Greek Americans to lay a commemorative wreath, offer a brief prayer and pay special tribute to their sacrifice for our country.
Copy of a photograph of that 1st wreath ceremony by AHEPA in 1924. My great uncle George Demeter was the Supreme President at the time.
George Demeter, a WW1 veteran was a Parliamentarian who was the organizing force behind the AHEPA.
by, Peter A. Senopoulos, JD, PRP

The laying of a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the graves of Americans of Hellenic origin buried at Arlington National Cemetery had its beginning at the Order of AHEPA Second National Convention in Washington, D.C., September 21-25, 1924.
As part of its official business, the Convention laid an AHEPA wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and a wreath on the grave of World War I hero George Dilboy, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient. This practice continued from year to year with wreaths and floral arrangements laid on an increasing number of graves, as discovered, of Americans of Hellenic origin buried at this hallowed Cemetery.
This has become an Order of AHEPA Annual National Project, with the Washington AHEPA Chapter #31 designated as coordinator, that brings together a dedicated assembly of representatives from the AHEPA Family Chapters of the Washington Metropolitan Area on Memorial Day Weekend, who divide into several, groups equipped with names, charts and maps and proceed to Arlington Cemetery and lay Floral Arrangements, bearing the AHEPA emblem on the graves of four hundred and eighty nine (489) Americans of Hellenic Origin.
As part of this project, the Supreme Lodge, usually by the current Supreme President with special honors, lays a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day.
The authorities at Arlington National Cemetery are informed annually by special letter of our intended project and grant us the courtesies in fulfilling our mission, and they have our deep thanks and appreciation.
There are many more than our present count of Greek-American graves interred at Arlington National Cemetery. We can only locate the graves if we know the name of the deceased, Section & Grave number. If you have anyone you wish to add to our current list, please send your information to:
1909 Q Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
Tel: 202-232-6300
Fax: 202-232-2140 .

AHEPA Chapter 542, Sterling, Va.2017
We are asking each District Governor to work with our Supreme Governors to identify National Cemeteries in their District, ask his Chapters to adopt a cemetery, identify the gravesites of Greek Americans interred therein and organize Wreath Laying on Memorial Day. A Listing of the National Cemeteries is attached along with a recommended Procedural Checklist and a Briefing packet used by the Washington Area Chapters.
2016 Veterans Letter for Cemetery
National Cemetery Wreath Check-List
AHEPA Family Honors America's Fallen Heroes
WASHINGTON, DC -- This year marks the 100th anniversary of a time-honored annual tradition first performed in 1924. AHEPA proudly continued this by paying its respects on behalf a grateful American Hellenic community to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, democracy, and liberty at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at Arlington National Cemetery, on Saturday, June 8, 2024.
Supreme Counselor Themistocles P. Frangos represented Supreme President Savas C. Tsivicos, who is overseas currently, and was accompanied by Col. Nicholas P. Vamvakias (USA, Retired), chair of the AHEPA Veterans Committee and Executive Director Basil Mossaidis as he placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.
An Honor Guard Specialist from the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) assisted them and a U.S. Army Band Bugler played "Taps."
Since 1924, Ahepans have returned annually to Arlington to place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In 2021, the Tomb marked 100 years as a sacred memorial site and the grave of three unknown American soldiers.
On Memorial Day weekend, AHEPA family members from the Washington, D.C. metro area also gathered to memorialize those who are identified as Greek Americans or Greek Orthodox who are buried at Arlington National Cemetery, a figure that totals more than 600 gravesites. AHEPA is proud to continue these traditions to honor those who have served our country
2024 - Colonel Nicholas P. Vamvakias along with Themistocles P. Frangos SC and Basil Mossaidis, Photos: AHEPA
2018 - Colonel Nicholas P. Vamvakias along with PSP Nick Karacostas, Photo: AHEPA

2017 - Supreme President Andrew Zachariades, accompanied by Colonel Nicholas P. Vamvakias (U.S. Army ret.), past supreme treasurer; Captain Demosthenes N. Kolaras (U.S. Navy ret.), former AHEPA executive director; and Colonel Ronald B. Baldinger (U.S. Air Force ret.), member, AHEPA Chapter 542, Sterling, Va., Photo: AHEPA

Send information to:
1909 Q Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20009
Fax: 202-232-2140
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AHEPA Headquarters
Mon - Fri,
Project Details
The HQs in turn will refer it to the coordinating committee of AHEPA Chapter #31 for proper action or
e-mail your info to:
Participating Chapters
Washington CHAPTER 31 (founders)
Peter N. Derzis CHAPTER 438