"The Mission of the Order of AHEPA Veterans Committee is to archive and recognize all veterans of the Order and Hellenic community through sound communication and publication. Furthermore, to conduct fund raising and philanthropic outreach through a cohesive, limited, yet well defined activity that reflects well on the Order of AHEPA and brings credit to the organization at large".
AHEPA Veteran Affairs Committee is working with the below National Programs to coordinate efforts to achieve thier goals.They are very worthy projects and one which requires your immediate support and attention.
We are trying to collect a short video of veterans, if you can help capture their memories while we can it would be appreciated.
Asking questions like:
What were you proud of doing while in service?
What will you pass on to the younger generation that they would want to remember you about?
Please give an AHEPA experience that you would like to share.
Basically, we would like to capture them sharing memories of their service experience.
No longer than 5 minutes. If you have a veteran that would like to share but has no way to tell their story.
We will set up a recorded zoom meeting and will ask the questions at their convenience.
Videos will then be posted on this AHEPA veterans affairs website
email webmaster@ahepaveterans.org to schedule time.
Thank You for recognizing members who have served our Country

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Wreath Laying on Memorial Day
Every Memorial Day since 1949, members of Washington Area AHEPA Chapters and Hellenic organizations visit over 550 gravesites of Greek Americans to lay a commemorative wreath.

AHEPA Service Dogs for Warriors
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Founded by Holmdel Chapter 517
The program raises much needed funds to purchase service dogs for wounded warriors suffering from PTSD, 22 veterans die every day from sucide as a result of the PTSD.

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Wreath-laying at Tomb of the Unknowns
The laying of a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the graves of Americans of Hellenic origin buried at Arlington National Cemetery had its beginning at the Order of AHEPA Second National Convention in Washington, D.C., September 21-25, 1924.